February 6, 2014


Its a blue sky with beautiful clouds. There were some mountains popping out of those clouds. Suddenly its the vast sea that could be noticed from the loops of the clouds. Then also there are the sea meeting the land beautifully. Like a swift the day changes to night because the journey is long. The sky is getting yellow to orange. The dazzling lights of the cities. The lush green landscape running away from you. The vehicles moving in all directions. Then there are sellers selling anything. The feeling of the railway tracks moving. The shops, people, lifestyle, process, the scenery etc all you leave behind because you are on the move. You are moving ahead. All that jazz from the aeroplane, train, car window etc if one gets lucky.

Sometimes you are too tired to check the  views and pass out when the flight takes off. Same was the girl next to me at the window seat. I decided to make some pictures from the center seat as the view was incredible from my Bangalore - Trivandrum flight. 

Here is one of those beautiful picture from my Aeroplane just 2 minutes before I landed in Kerala. 

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