February 14, 2013


In August 2010, I witnessed true love in the bushes of Simon's Town, South Africa.

As we know Penguins are most social among the birds even though they can not fly.
Here were two beautiful penguins who went to the bushes to make love ;) On their way back it was very difficult to jump back the fences. They were howling quite loudly and that is how I noticed them. I stood by to see if they really need help then I would.

Later Romeo jumped back the fence while Juliet was still struggling. Being separated from his beloved he was very restless and was crying for other penguins to help. Still no one came for rescue.

So our romeo pushed himself to go back to Juliet.In some time Romeo helped his Juliet to jump the fence and then jumped himself.

What a moment!!

Love is not only for Couples. It could be solo. Another Penguin, 12 years old, I saw in the two oceans Aquarium in Cape town, fell in love and lost her lover 4 years back. Dying out of pain was gifted a mirror by the Aquarium authority helped for her survival.

Ever since that day she never moved away from her own reflection as she thinks her image to be her lover. Tries all day to groom herself to woe her lover.

The love of  Saint Valentin is not only Valentine's day. It is everyday,  for eveybody and everywhere.

Still HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY. !! Woooohooooo ;)

February 12, 2013


In between my 101 calls/emails/sms to South American embassies, to the agents in New Delhi, to my friends from Portugal, India, England and South America, All I think of is good luck to travel. How can I have success with visas.

In between my work for my french boss, for whom I am selling guesthouse in South Africa, online rentals in Corsica island, reconcile all the accounts, calls to Czech republic, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Zambia, Congo, South Africa and Indonesia for the purchase of Machinery for a laundry project to cater hotels in Bali, I think of ways to work, to work better. I have ambitions in Life. To earn for a good living, to travel,to travel to different lands, for different people, for their culture, for their smiles and for all that is called experience.

In between, the renovation work at the terrace of my mother's House, the remodeling of the bathroom, visiting/calling to different shops for the tiles, rods, cement, sand, chips, pipes, boundary work of plots, I dream of travels, my upcoming travels, my planned and unplanned travels, my South America, my Europe, my those colorful countries flying out of the globe and pulling me towards them.

Will I be able to fetch them ?

Work or no work, am always traveling. One day the world would be mine.