December 19, 2013


Here I am in my hometown. Finally spending more time than I did in last couple of years.
Last two years, I was very busy between work and travel. I have visited many many places.
Every time, I return my land, it is the same question where are you these days? Where is Bunty?

What you went to Brazil? Did you see any preparations for Football World Cup?
I say yes they are warming up for the cup.

What did you go to Argentina? Did you meet Maradona by any chance or had a glimpse of him?
I say, I am sorry to disappoint you as the answer is no.

The types of questions are funny, weird, hilarious and endless.
My friends and family are very proud to introduce me to their friends and family as meet Bunty. He has traveled around the world. He has been to many many countries. I never have an opportunity to talk about my work and or what I actually do for living. Sometimes, its like they say meet my brother he has traveled in some 30 - 40 countries. At times I have to be the rude guy to intrude and say I have traveled 30 countries and there is a big difference between 30 and 40 countries. Back in 2011, I could even say where all I have been. But now its more the numbers than the name of the countries.

If I get a chance then I explain that I work as an online consultant and the details. With my work I have the benefit of time and I am passionate about traveling.

Sometimes its overwhelming how my folks perceive this phase of my life. But certainly they are proud of the fact that I have traveled a lot, may be in my whole family.

For all my family and friends here is my travel map and soon I would come with posts for the countries I have been.

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