December 12, 2012

12/12/12 .....12 ..... 12 ..... 12...... 12

Today is 12:12:12. The day when it was predicted to be the end of the world.

Yesterday as we were driving to somewhere in West Bengal, we saw some blue lightening. Very rare , Never saw something like this before. Everybody was wondering , are the predictions coming true ?

Around 4 :04 AM, I saw a post from a dear friend Julie Buyere about the lost city of Lord Krishna as old as 12000 years which is believed to be lost to the floods and is mentioned in the Hindu Mythology.

Its the place where I want to go for years as I inherit my name from this place and the submerged island called DWARIKAPURI.

There is news about cyclone in one of district, Balasore and some predictions for a thunderstorm by the Met dept in my city, Bhubaneswar.

Why all these news is knocking on the same day. Is it happening? Is it a new ICE AGE.

There is an end and a new beginning. I remember a joke , THE BREAKING NEWS : The end of the world which was scheduled on 12.12.2012 has been postponed to 3013 due to technical issues. So lets continue living with a :) .

Lets go out out, work harder and drink a Mojito.
Wow, Lets Travel :)


  1. Bunty, actually its a very common mistake that people are making, because of the funny number 12.12.12 ... but actually, the Mayan prediction doesnt say that day. It actually says 21.12.12.

    So... Where will Bunty be on December 21st, for the end of the world, I wonder...?

  2. Bunty was at Sirocco Sky bar in Bangkok .... he he ;)
